Use This Flyer When Your Lost Dog is Staying Reliably in One Area But is Difficult to Trap

Is your missing dog staying in one area but reluctant to enter a humane trap? “Helpful” neighbors may be overfeeding your dog and undermining your efforts to successfully catch him. Lost dogs in survival mode need to be hungry enough to take the risk to enter a humane trap. An overfed dog has little incentive […]

Did Your Dog Get Scared By Fireworks? Don’t Panic!

If your dog went missing from the sound of fireworks – don’t panic. Immediately put out your dog’s favorite blanket, some food and water, and something that smells like you (a dirty sock or pillowcase). Then file a report from this link: You will be able to create a free flyer and social media […]

Huchi – Lost In A Foreign Land

 Huchi was rescued in  late 2016 from a South Korean Dog Meat Farm.  He came to the United States and spent two months in a foster home before he was adopted by his owners. Unfortunately Huchi saw a chance to escape on March 1, 2017 and he was out the door.  Sightings came in almost […]

Crying Wolf is a Bad Idea if Your Dog is Missing

We have seen some internet advice that suggests owners should create a sense of urgency about their missing dog by including a statement on the flyer that says the dog needs medicine for a serious medical condition (whether it is true or not). In our experience, this is very bad advice because: 1. If your […]

NEVER Follow, Chase or Pressure a Lost Dog

Based on thousands and thousands of cases, our three main causes of death for lost dogs are 1. Hit by a car 2. Hit by a train and 3. Drowning (often falling through thin ice). Lost dogs who aren’t being pursued or pressured will make very wise decisions and may survive indefinitely. Lost dogs that […]

Do Not Allow Family, Friends, or Volunteers to “Search” For Your Dog. Ask Them to Flyer Instead…

In the early hours and days of the dog going missing; volunteers, friends and family may want to rush to a sighting location to “search”. This is almost always a bad idea. Their energy should be used for quickly flyering the area – going door to door and trying to speak to as many people […]

Luring a Shy, Lost Dog Using a Portable Grill

Using a portable grill can be very helpful in catching a shy, scared dog.  If you are getting sightings of your dog in a general area, we recommend setting up a feeding station.  This can help to keep a lost dog in one area and eventually lead to capture.  However, sometimes it is difficult to […]

Where Could Your Shy Lost Dog Be? – Part 4 in a Series

A shy lost dog has now been missing for three days. The owners are still hopeful that he may return on his own and are very wise to keep the bed, food and familiar scented articles at the point he went missing from. But they also realize that they can’t control what happens to him […]

Tips for Capturing the Elusive Dog – Part 2 of a Series

Toby, a shy dog,  bolts from the sound of fireworks and panic ensues. EVERYBODY wants to help – a good thing.  Or is it? One of the first hurdles that the owner of a shy, lost dog must do is to calm down and gain control of the situation. He or she must also be […]