Unraveling the Mystery of Lost and Found Pet Photos!

reversed photos of dog

When you’re on the mission to reunite lost pets with their owners, keep an eye out for some tricky details in comparing photos. Things like lighting, exposure, angles, and even the age of the photos can play tricks on our eyes and make matching a bit challenging.

Now, let’s talk about a peculiar issue with selfies. If you take a pic using the front-facing camera on your phone and send it through Facebook Messenger, it might flip the image like a mirror. So, if you’re comparing photos, be aware that things might look a bit reversed.

Look for clues that scream “selfie alert!” when checking out photos. Reversed text, objects, or even a sneaky rearview mirror pointing the wrong way could be dead giveaways. It’s like being a detective, right?

Take a peek at these two photos, for example. See that tiny dark spot under the eye? It’s a good indicator that it’s the same dog. But watch out for details like the brown splotch near the eye patch – it might not be as clear in all the photos due to tricky angles.

And hey, the more photos, the better! They can reveal extra markings and features that make the matching game a whole lot easier. Keep plenty of photos of your pets – easy to do in this age of digital photography and cell phone cameras. If your pet ever goes missing, those photos may help to get him or her back home!

(Thanks Richard Gilreath of Texas for this tip!)

Remember, the key to finding your dog is to generate sightings and leads by using flyers, signs and social media. File a report with our partner Pet FBI. Your dog’s listing will be posted to the appropriate state or provincial Facebook page by one of our volunteers and you will be immediately be able to print and distribute flyers. This is a free service. We are here to help you get your dog home safely!