Use a Feeding Station to Help Capture a Shy Lost Dog – Part 6 in a Series

Feeding stations are an important tool in the toolbox of shy lost dog recovery. It is a fancy name for a blob of smelly food on the ground, a bowl of water, and a way to monitor the two. You should also leave an article of your clothing at the feeding station. Remember, lost dogs […]

“I Got A Sighting! Now What…?” Part 5 in a Series

Your shy lost dog was spooked by the July 4th fireworks from a house other than his own. He bolted and has not been seen since. He has four of the five risk factors that will make him an elusive dog to catch. You have enlisted the help of friends and family, not to “search” for your […]

Where Could Your Shy Lost Dog Be? – Part 4 in a Series

A shy lost dog has now been missing for three days. The owners are still hopeful that he may return on his own and are very wise to keep the bed, food and familiar scented articles at the point he went missing from. But they also realize that they can’t control what happens to him […]

Rewards are a Bad Idea When Trying to Capture The Elusive Dog – Part 3 in a Series

Toby bolted from the sound of fireworks. But you have it all under control. You haven’t allowed your friends and family to “search” for Toby. There will be lots of ways they can help soon. Instead, you have stayed calm and placed Toby’s bed, food, water and familiar scented articles out for him. If he […]

Tips for Capturing the Elusive Dog – Part 2 of a Series

Toby, a shy dog,  bolts from the sound of fireworks and panic ensues. EVERYBODY wants to help – a good thing.  Or is it? One of the first hurdles that the owner of a shy, lost dog must do is to calm down and gain control of the situation. He or she must also be […]

Catching a Shy Elusive Dog – Part 1 in a Series

Toby, the Australian Shepherd,  was a shy dog. Not only was he wary of strangers, but he had been lost from a strange location (a family member’s house) during the week of the 4th of July. The family was prepared to keep him in the house during the community fireworks display; but a neighborhood party erratically shooting […]

The Problem with Dandelions

One of our long-time volunteers has coined a clever name for some of our missing dogs.  She affectionately calls them  “dandelions” because they are common and they all look alike. The problem with dandelions is that they can present a real challenge to their owner when they get lost. Here is the list of most […]