It is Illegal to Put Flyers in U.S. Mailboxes

illegal to put flyers in U.S. Mail Boxes

Did you know that it is illegal for the public to put flyers in U.S. mailboxes? You could get a fine for every flyer you insert into a mailbox. It is also illegal to affix the flyer to the box or the flag in any way.

Use the newspaper box if there is one (below the mailbox) or better yet hand deliver the flyer to the door. When you put the flyer directly into the homeowner’s hands they have a better chance of remembering you and the story of your missing dog. You aren’t just trying to find out who has seen your dog, you are trying to alert the people who MAY see your dog tomorrow. Make it easy for them to contact you!

Not everyone is on Facebook or social media. Delivering flyers in person is still the Number One way to find lost dogs. To create your free flyer and have your lost dog entered into our national lost and found database go to
