Did Your Dog Get Scared By Fireworks? Don’t Panic!

If your dog went missing from the sound of fireworks – don’t panic. Immediately put out your dog’s favorite blanket, some food and water, and something that smells like you (a dirty sock or pillowcase). Then file a report from this link: www.petfbi.org You will be able to create a free flyer and social media […]

Fireworks and Reuniting Lost Dogs With Their Families

The July 4th weekend creates a “perfect storm” for missing pets. Statistics show that more dogs are lost over the 4th of July holiday than any other time of the year. Public and neighborhood fireworks displays, open doors and distractions at family gatherings are common reasons for a pet’s disappearance.  We have compiled our tips […]

Huchi – Lost In A Foreign Land

 Huchi was rescued in  late 2016 from a South Korean Dog Meat Farm.  He came to the United States and spent two months in a foster home before he was adopted by his owners. Unfortunately Huchi saw a chance to escape on March 1, 2017 and he was out the door.  Sightings came in almost […]